The Union of Czechs in the Republic of Croatia
The Union of Czechs in Croatia is a non-political organization of voluntarily associated Czech societies, schools, clubs, individuals- members of the Czech's minority, in cultural, education, art, sport and science areas.
Daruvar is the centre of the Union of Czechs in Croatia. Their activities are directed to nurse Czech culture and language. The activities of the Czech minority in Croatia, Czech societies and the newspaper Jednota are financed from the national budget and donations of local autonomy. The most important Czech manifestation is Dožinky-harvest ceremony, when they celebrate the end of the harvest trough folklore, songs, dance and the presenting old customs. They also publish the journal Jednota (eng. Union) - a unique newspaper in Croatia in the Czech language which offers information about Union activities. It is also very important to mention the theatre, singing and wind orchestra festival of Czech children's songs, the folklore festival “Vonička” and folklore of children's creativity “Naše Jaro”.
King Tomislav Square 7, 43500 Daruvar
President: Libuše Stranjik
Tel: 00385 43/ 331-233
The Czech beseda Daruvar
The Czech beseda (forum, society) is the largest minority association of Czech's in Croatia, and it is the oldest organization of that kind, which has operated since 1907. Since the Czech beseda Daruvar works at the centre of the Czech minority in Croatia, in the town where the roof organization of the Czech union is located, Czech beseda Daruvar is something like the headquarters for other Czech minorities in Croatia. In Croatia there are 28 Czech beseda and 14 of them are in Bjelovar-Bilogora County: Daruvar, Doljani, Gornji Daruvar, Brestovac, Veliki i Mali Zdenci, Ljudevit selo, Končanica, Ivanovo selo, Treglava, Dežanovac, Garešnica, Donji Sređani, Golubinjak and Bjelovar.
Czech beseda Daruvar deals with culture amateurism under which the section for theatre (they were four times on the National festival of amateur theatre), a singing section, the folklore ensemble “Holubička” (eng. Dove) and a library “Franta Buriana” operate together.
Czech society Daruvar
King Tomislav Square 7, 43500 Daruvar
President: Romana Rašetić
Cell phone: 00385 98 1769 441
The Czech beseda Končanica
Czech Beseda was established in 1932 and now has about
450 members, mostly members of the Czech national minority, but there are
several members of the Croats and members of other minorities.
The main task of Beseda is to keep and maintain the
Czech culture, local traditions and Czech words, while Czech beseda consists of
four sections:
Young dance group called
"Končenska hasa"
Older dance group called
"Manželski Pary" (couples),
Choir titled
4.Brass music - Brass
Orchestra of Czech Beseda Končanica
Czech beseda Končanica is the only Beseda which has a
dance group of married couples and the main requirement which has to be fulfilled
is that the husband dances exclusively with his wife. One of the most important
traditions of the Czechs that Beseda nourishes and maintains is the
"Končanica Carnival" whose tradition is longer than 100 years.
Address: 260 Končanica, Končanica 43505
Phone 00385 98 436 188
The Czech Beseda
Daruvarski Brestovac
Czech Beseda Daruvarski Brestovac started with work in
1920 as a subsidiary of the Czech Beseda Daruvar, and now it works independently
since the spring 1926 worked under name Československa Beseda.
For the last 20 years as a part of Beseda dancing
group Koràlky, Konvalínky choir and brass band outstand with the performance; recently
started with work its theatre group. All groups participate in Beseda programs in
all neighboring places and those programs organized by the Czech Union in Croatia.
Address: Daruvarski Brestovac 182, 43505 Končanica
Phone: 00385 91/571-2324